Friday, July 10, 2009

Harvest 2009 Begins

The other day I was pulling more of that blasted morning glory out of the raised beds when I noticed there were potatoes sticking out of the ground. I have to tell you, it was much like find gold. I had planted some reds last year, but they never grew as tall or as well as the russets. They are a whole different experience. Russets grow like gang busters. Here's a picture of some potatoes that just fell off the plant when I pulled it out of the ground. When all was said and done, we harvested about 35 pounds of potatoes out of the yard.

I've set aside some potatoes so that we keep a study stream coming in. Part of me still wonders if we're planting too much for only the two of us to eat. I guess our friends won't be buying potatoes for the next year either.

The corn stalks are growing little ears of corn now. Last year, we plants three plants and got two tiny ears. At this point, it looks like we'll get
about ten ears off the plants.

This year, The Mister built four raised beds and filled them with good soil and manuer. I'm not sure if the beds are retaining more moisture or if the the plants are doing so much better because of the soil quality. Either way, I'm pretty darn happy with The Mister's project. Thanks Baby!

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